I'm a Muse?!?

You're a Muse!
Known for your creative powers, you Muses are the poets and musicians of life, the patrons of the fine arts. It's funny, though — even with your inspirational prowess, you're probably not the type to boast about your guitar-strumming skills, or your latest published book of verse.
While it's great when people flock to you for ideas, there probably is a part of you that prefers to blend in sometimes — whether dressing in muted shades or staking out a one-on-one conversation at parties and social events. But try as you might not to hog the spotlight, others can't help but notice you. Must be hard to be such a goddess!
Despite any lingering modesty, you might be surprised at how much your mere presence can help improve the lives of those around you by infusing them with ideas and good thoughts. With that kind of healing energy, your inspirational ways have the potential to change the world, Muse. Whether you're scribbling sonnets, boogying with your friends, or drawing your own constellations — you're tapped in. So keep your eyes wide open to the possibilities and let that inspiration flow!
What's Your Goddess Identity?
Brought to you by Tickle
Haha, I'm anything but a patron of the fine arts. I'm that uncultured barbarian you see sleeping in the back of a choir concert, unable to tell one song from the next, barely able to keep my eyes open during Burn the Floor (Some dance concert) , complaining while walking through the Vatican because the art never seemed to end. I dont know, you just get a little numb to it after some time. Perhaps I have a low threshold for art. Have to teach myself to appreciate it more. Haha, its amusing how this tickle test is...well...hardly accurate. But these things are always fun aren't they? You always want someone telling you about you and you always feel so satisfied whenever they get it right, coz I guess it means that you've been potraying yourself successfully, perhaps? And you feel proud of who and what you are, it just strengthens your identity, making you that much more of a person... Go try it out!
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