More on Turkey...
Alright..Im lazy. I admit it. There's just too much to say! And I can't possibly recall everything that happened. Turkey felt like it happened in another world..on a different alternate dimension.Then again, it WAS another world.. So, ok...these photos are not arranged in any particular order. They'll do the story telling. Alrighty then, here goes.
Here we are, at the Cotton Castle or Pamukkale, essentially, its a limestone over some hot springs..that explains the water streaming from the top all the way down...and the many pools of water here and there. Its protected by UNESCO I think. And well, its beautiful. The flowing water erodes and carves the limestone and everytime you return to the cotton castle, its never the same. We're allowed to walk around around certain parts of it barefoot. Here, we see Eugene looking all emo and reflective as he looks over the valley.
Now this, this is just such a heyhey shot. Haha. But its such a beautiful picture. What with the sun beginning to set in the background. And the purity of white limestone all around.
Not my idea, this photo..But apparently, its supposed to be good luck to take random photos with newly wed couples. So. Yeah, the girls led us on this one.
A group shot at Cotton Castle. Somehow, we look kinda glum. We lack the usual sparkle in our eyes. Haha. And I don't really remember any particular reason for that. Oh well.
Eugene at work! He's quite a budding photographer...equipped with his trusty slr..He took most of our group photos..Haha. We appreciate the sacrifice Eugene! Then again, if it were anyone else handling his slr, we probably wouldnt get such clear shots. Eugene thought to capture the terrain, the texture of the limestone, the cloud-covered setting sun, he just lacked a model, so he used his shoes! Haha. I think its good! It gives off this slightly poetic feel...As if...someone set off to explore the great white limestone dessert..the mystery, why would he leave his shoes behind? Haha.
This was at the Hierapolis..or Pergamon. The stop before Cotton Castle. We spent a mere 20 minutes here. If I remember correctly, it was also called a necropolis. I suppose, for all its graves and tombs...and perhaps because of the function of the settlement. Too bad, we didnt get to explore the ruins more. It was where we first encountered those whistling bird toy things tho. Haha. They were pretty cute. There's one sitting next to my toilet sink now.
Within the Necropolis...There were one or two buildings which were cordoned off because they were deemed unsafe to be around. Cant remember how old the ruins were, but apparently those buildings could collapse at any time.
Bao's face is PRICELESS. Hahahaahaha. It was so amusing. This all started when we were told that the thing i was holding was a dried poppy stalk with its fruit. We started photowhoring with it...when someone came up with the idea of proposing with it. Haha. Well, after the shop vendors saw me proposing to her with the poppy plant, they gave me a small bouquet of flowers to do it properly. Haha. Looking at her expression really cracks me up.

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