Two days of sports and games. Painful feet/toes and sore quads and arms. Guess we could've been better hosts. Organization was a little messy...and not many people turned up to play either. Guys volleyball was pretty bad. We needed 6 guys. We had 5. Esther helped us out with that...and she was good! Just that her calling out stuff in chinese confused me a little initially. Seems volleyball is a really cheena sport in Singapore. Well, we lost. It was such a one-sided game. But at least we had fun. Haha.
We fared better at other games. Our squashers totally dominated their opponents on court. Just too bad that we didnt have enough girls! Hon picked squash up in about an hour and played her best...Bao won the other two matches..two coz another girl couldnt make it. Basketball was really close. Our guys were all decked out in their jerseys, made them look quite pro. The Malaysians werent gonna go without a fight though. In fact, we were trailing for most of the game. Extra time gave us the opportuniy to claim victory. Well done guys.
Got a shock today when I went down for handball. I saw.....20+ guys on the MU side of the court...and....7 on ours. We were pretty worried that they'd run us ragged and just kill us then. But then, when the match started, their numbers dwindled to bout suppose the others were just supporters. Apparently, none of them had ever played handball before. And well, we'd trained like...twice before this. Haha. So we did have a distinct advantage despite having a much smaller team and only 1 substitute. Well, after floundering on the court a little, we found ourselves and settled into a certain style of game play....which was good. And we won quite comfortably. Not a bad start I'd say. With two trainings.
But Im paying for it all now. Argh. Painful feet/toes. Sore quads and arms.
We fared better at other games. Our squashers totally dominated their opponents on court. Just too bad that we didnt have enough girls! Hon picked squash up in about an hour and played her best...Bao won the other two matches..two coz another girl couldnt make it. Basketball was really close. Our guys were all decked out in their jerseys, made them look quite pro. The Malaysians werent gonna go without a fight though. In fact, we were trailing for most of the game. Extra time gave us the opportuniy to claim victory. Well done guys.
Got a shock today when I went down for handball. I saw.....20+ guys on the MU side of the court...and....7 on ours. We were pretty worried that they'd run us ragged and just kill us then. But then, when the match started, their numbers dwindled to bout suppose the others were just supporters. Apparently, none of them had ever played handball before. And well, we'd trained like...twice before this. Haha. So we did have a distinct advantage despite having a much smaller team and only 1 substitute. Well, after floundering on the court a little, we found ourselves and settled into a certain style of game play....which was good. And we won quite comfortably. Not a bad start I'd say. With two trainings.
But Im paying for it all now. Argh. Painful feet/toes. Sore quads and arms.
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