Another home-made dinner. Another attempt at Hotdog making. One day, I'll set up Doc Joe's Hot Dog stand...Haha. One day. This time I used mozerella cheese for one...melted some below the chicken frank and some on top...The bun was a bit burned in the end coz it was in the oven for too long. Stuck with cheddar cheese for the other one. We've got loads in the fridge. The mozerella cheese did taste distinctly milkier than the cheddar though. I'll try colby soon! Thanks! Anyway..I probably shouldn't have put relish on both hotdogs...and maybe not mustard either..Or maybe just not too much. Felt it overpowered the taste of the other ingredients. Need to find a balance! And better sausages! My dad put the buns in the fridge and got them all squashed up..kinda..spoiled it a bit. Oh well.

And speaking of my dad...I've just about had it up to
here about the household chores. Ok I don't usually complain, but lets have some allowances shall we? Who's he to tell John to help me out when he doesn't? He spent the whole day at home today. And when I got back...breakfast dishes weren't done..the kitchen was dirty from all the frying..trash wasnt thrown properly...laundry wasnt done...I'm just a bit tired of his hypocracy. And what made it worse...was that I gave him his Birthday present this morning..a lacoste shirt...and when i got back in the evening...it was still at the dining table, in the same position from during breakfast. Thats 99 bucks gone to waste.
My stupid washing machine is making so much noise. Think I put too much in it.
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