Terry Fox and Co.
Sunday Morning! Terry Fox run! (Ok this was almost a week ago) I'd slept 3 hours the night before..foolishly squandering time on msn talking nonsense with everyone er..as foolish as me. Haha. I wasnt really mentally prepared for the run though...was somehow surprised to see so many people going for it too, on the mrt. I don't usually go for these things. It's a start. Anyway, the only thing that sucked, was the rain. It was a double edged sword...kept us cool as we ran..but annoying nonetheless. Met quite a few other meddies there, m1/3s....Thought the turn out was pretty good.
The 9k breezed by pretty fast. We were pretty noisy though..talking among ourselves and keeping quiet only to comment on nice legs and stuff like that. Haha. Most of us got free spray on tattoos after the run. Such a pity that the superman template was spoilt. I settled for something else..which got washed off pretty quickly anyway. We'd planned to stay on in Sentosa to chill out and get a tan..or play a little volleyball..but the weather put a stop to that.

Lunch was at Seah Im at Harbour Front. After that, us diligent m2s made an attempt to mug. I shan't bother talking about how much was actually done. It'll suffice to say that..some were more successful than others. Our choice of mugging location was Island Creamery at Serene centre..for the ice cream...er...the not bad looking salesgirls...the photos of ourselves that we could put up...Haha. After that, was MORE ice cream at Awfully Chocolate. Can't say I enjoy dark chocolate very much...but it was GOOD. Wish I tried the cakes.
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