Friday, September 29, 2006

Botak Jones and VERY Full Bellies.

Today, we paid a visit to Botak Jones, authentic american food, damn good food at damn good price. Well, it was pretty damn good! Considering it was situated somewhere in Clementi in a Kopitiam. You wouldnt expect much from your average western food stall in a hawker centre. But, this was different. The portions were big...the meat was good..ah the meat...the fries...seasoned some stuff in addition to salt.

Alright, maybe it was a little pricey compared to standard hawker fare..but youve gotta admit, it's a rung above normal standards ..Also...what made it better for me..was the fact that everyone else couldnt finish their food. Haha. So I got to try a bit of most of what everyone else ordered. I had THE swanky franky/wanky by the way. Its a mother big hot dog, which you can still eat without having to cut up, with some difficulty i might add. Ok, so I took off the onions, that made it easier. And it was a little unglam trying to stuff the whole thing into my mouth.

After helping some of the rest finish their food, I could feel my stomach pressing against my diaphragm, but not to the extent where I couldnt walk straight. No good to overeat... but it was good stuff. Haha. I couldnt even eat much for dinner. Haha.


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