No Trophies for Show.
It's been quite some time since I last paid attention to this place, not for the lack of anything exciting happening, but rather, the lack of interest in writing/expressing myself. (Read: Tired of blogs/blogging) I shall attempt to summarize the events that have taken place since my last entry.....and beyond that, if I can recall.
16th April: I went wakeboarding with Zj, Christine, Hazel and Karen. Discovered that jumping doesn't rely so much on the "push" from your legs, but instead, depends on the angle and speed of your approach towards the wake, when you cross it from outside to inside. Zj and I managed to do a few hops/jumps here and there, just managing to clear the water. The first time I tried it, I recklessly plowed into the wake at a near 90 degree angle, went up..well, what felt like was 'high' to me, and crashed spectacularly, with my left foot out of the binding, the board hanging from my right leg. Can't wait to go a 3rd time!
Hm..what else did I do during the break? What I recall most vividly are the late nights spent online and gallivanting thru the world of faerun in neverwinter nights. Alright, we go on.
23rd April: Embarked on the next phase of our medical education, it was one heck of a boring day full of lectures which put everyone to sleep or made them moody. Thank God we only have 1 lecture day a week from now on. In all honesty, the first week of CSFC was terrible for me. If not for the kindness of several seniors who I barely knew, or didnt know, I wouldn't have learned anything at all. Tutors at SGH are either too busy/slack to pay much attention to medical students, especially m2s in e-clinics, since we know next to nothing and the learning curve is so steep. Our surgery tutor was too busy in clinics to give us a tutorial, so we stood behind him as he saw patients..for almost 2 hours, before giving up. And with his blessings too. Here's a re-enactment :
Dr XXX: I know how boring it can be for you guys, it must feel like a complete waste of time, why don't you go gallivanting? I'd do that if I were you.
Me: But don't we need a doctor to be around when we go around the wards and talk to patients?
Dr XXX: Wards? No, I meant, go watch a movie or shopping or something.
All of us: -Stunned looks-.
After which, we quickly took the chance to take our leave. Part of the reason I stayed that long in the first place, was coz he was from acs too. Haha, it fired the spark in me to try to learn a bit more. But he was just too busy. Oh well. Too lazy to elaborate more bout our interesting first experience with Dr XXX.

25 and 26th April: Celebrated Hon's birthday! I still have yet to upload photos from the dinner at P.S. Cafe. I think I look very..erm...bad in most of them. haha. But, I WILL upload them, after some editing. hahahaha. Thanks again Hon, for the lovely desserts! Glad you were surprised the next day (hope you really were) and hope you like the bag! Haha.
30th April to 4th May: Week 2 of CSFC. If only our lecturers in M1 and M2 were like the first 3 on Monday, they were damn interesting and entertaining. Had our first tutorials on wednesday, which somehow inspired me (alright, I sound like a geek, I know) to study harder, even hearing things like other groups having to read 3-4 chapters of Talley in the first week didnt spur me on (while I didnt touch Talley at all, particularly coz I didnt have it yet). And so I've been trying to read Talley...but I havent really clerked many patients yet, a few as a group, not even myself that is. And when I mention that little bit of info to some, they balk and give me wide-eyed stares, as if checking if I'm really a classmate of theirs. So here's where I feel a little pressured, coz they start relating stories of people clerking 20 patients, filling up notebooks with notes and patient stickers, stories of sacrifice and determination, skipping lunch to clerk patients?!!? Staying in the hospital from 730 to 9. Ugh, I shall not go on. I still have my fear to get over. Until then, my notebook remains stickerless..and without evidence of my having learned anything this past 2 weeks. Lets hope week 3 gets better. And that God blesses me with a silver tongue, able to spout chinese/dialect like my talented cg mates, to sweep all the patients off their feet and 'encourage' them to tell me everything I'd need, for a history. Amen.
16th April: I went wakeboarding with Zj, Christine, Hazel and Karen. Discovered that jumping doesn't rely so much on the "push" from your legs, but instead, depends on the angle and speed of your approach towards the wake, when you cross it from outside to inside. Zj and I managed to do a few hops/jumps here and there, just managing to clear the water. The first time I tried it, I recklessly plowed into the wake at a near 90 degree angle, went up..well, what felt like was 'high' to me, and crashed spectacularly, with my left foot out of the binding, the board hanging from my right leg. Can't wait to go a 3rd time!
Hm..what else did I do during the break? What I recall most vividly are the late nights spent online and gallivanting thru the world of faerun in neverwinter nights. Alright, we go on.
23rd April: Embarked on the next phase of our medical education, it was one heck of a boring day full of lectures which put everyone to sleep or made them moody. Thank God we only have 1 lecture day a week from now on. In all honesty, the first week of CSFC was terrible for me. If not for the kindness of several seniors who I barely knew, or didnt know, I wouldn't have learned anything at all. Tutors at SGH are either too busy/slack to pay much attention to medical students, especially m2s in e-clinics, since we know next to nothing and the learning curve is so steep. Our surgery tutor was too busy in clinics to give us a tutorial, so we stood behind him as he saw patients..for almost 2 hours, before giving up. And with his blessings too. Here's a re-enactment :
Dr XXX: I know how boring it can be for you guys, it must feel like a complete waste of time, why don't you go gallivanting? I'd do that if I were you.
Me: But don't we need a doctor to be around when we go around the wards and talk to patients?
Dr XXX: Wards? No, I meant, go watch a movie or shopping or something.
All of us: -Stunned looks-.
After which, we quickly took the chance to take our leave. Part of the reason I stayed that long in the first place, was coz he was from acs too. Haha, it fired the spark in me to try to learn a bit more. But he was just too busy. Oh well. Too lazy to elaborate more bout our interesting first experience with Dr XXX.
25 and 26th April: Celebrated Hon's birthday! I still have yet to upload photos from the dinner at P.S. Cafe. I think I look very..erm...bad in most of them. haha. But, I WILL upload them, after some editing. hahahaha. Thanks again Hon, for the lovely desserts! Glad you were surprised the next day (hope you really were) and hope you like the bag! Haha.
30th April to 4th May: Week 2 of CSFC. If only our lecturers in M1 and M2 were like the first 3 on Monday, they were damn interesting and entertaining. Had our first tutorials on wednesday, which somehow inspired me (alright, I sound like a geek, I know) to study harder, even hearing things like other groups having to read 3-4 chapters of Talley in the first week didnt spur me on (while I didnt touch Talley at all, particularly coz I didnt have it yet). And so I've been trying to read Talley...but I havent really clerked many patients yet, a few as a group, not even myself that is. And when I mention that little bit of info to some, they balk and give me wide-eyed stares, as if checking if I'm really a classmate of theirs. So here's where I feel a little pressured, coz they start relating stories of people clerking 20 patients, filling up notebooks with notes and patient stickers, stories of sacrifice and determination, skipping lunch to clerk patients?!!? Staying in the hospital from 730 to 9. Ugh, I shall not go on. I still have my fear to get over. Until then, my notebook remains stickerless..and without evidence of my having learned anything this past 2 weeks. Lets hope week 3 gets better. And that God blesses me with a silver tongue, able to spout chinese/dialect like my talented cg mates, to sweep all the patients off their feet and 'encourage' them to tell me everything I'd need, for a history. Amen.
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