1) You sound like you're half dead.
Which is what someone told me on the phone early in the morning several days back. Coz I'm really not one for mornings, especially when I have to get up to a table full of notes waiting for me to commit them to memory, if it were possible. And I kinda feel like that now, half dead I mean, since I just spent the entire night on Herpes, which really IS forever, coz that's exactly how long I felt it took. Ultimate brain-drain.
2) I've been having strange dreams of late, an amalgation of people from so many aspects of my life, dumped into the landscape of my subconscious, melding into one heck of a wild goose chase, in just 15 minutes of sleep (that's how long my nap was). What's really strange is that I could remember everything in the entire dream. I even knew when I was about to wake up, I was struggling to stay asleep, so that I could continue in the dream, but the pull of consciousness was too strong. Exiting the dream felt like taking a step backward into reality, and the memories, if you could call a dream a memory, were all there.
3) Ok I'm being absolutely random. Post-mugging trauma. Blame Herpes, MMR, Ortho/paramyxoviruses. Anyway, if anyone wanted to know. There was this one Spartan warrior (haha) who actually fought naked in battle, glistening in his glorious, superhuman physique, where even his foes were amazed at him, and all those in his way fell where they stood. Sounds like something akin to the movie perhaps? Haha. He was Isadas, son of Phoebidas, and to be fair, he only did it once, I think. He rushed from his home, butt-naked, freshly anointed in oil, with a spear in one hand, his sword in the other, to the defense of a Sparta in peril. The Thebans were besieging their wall-less city (which was a source of pride to them actually). Isadas forced his way through the ranks of his fellow Spartans and threw himself at the enemy, slaying every foe who stood against him. Miraculously, he came out of the battle unscathed, with the Thebans repelled, and the council crowned him for his feat of valour, then they fined him 1000 drachmas because he dared to risk fighting without armour. Just some trivia from Plutarch.
4) A vision of hotness courtesy of Li. Haha. Haley Bennett. Oh yeah. Alright, this is still a blog, not some XXX site. So I've refrained from putting the REALLY HOT picture of her. Guys, what's google for? You won't regret it, Haha!

5)On another note, don't watch Pathfinder. It doesn't make a lot of sense. All it did was make me want to read wikipedia about vikings. And oh, Viking helmets didnt have horns. Just more trivia for you.
2) I've been having strange dreams of late, an amalgation of people from so many aspects of my life, dumped into the landscape of my subconscious, melding into one heck of a wild goose chase, in just 15 minutes of sleep (that's how long my nap was). What's really strange is that I could remember everything in the entire dream. I even knew when I was about to wake up, I was struggling to stay asleep, so that I could continue in the dream, but the pull of consciousness was too strong. Exiting the dream felt like taking a step backward into reality, and the memories, if you could call a dream a memory, were all there.
3) Ok I'm being absolutely random. Post-mugging trauma. Blame Herpes, MMR, Ortho/paramyxoviruses. Anyway, if anyone wanted to know. There was this one Spartan warrior (haha) who actually fought naked in battle, glistening in his glorious, superhuman physique, where even his foes were amazed at him, and all those in his way fell where they stood. Sounds like something akin to the movie perhaps? Haha. He was Isadas, son of Phoebidas, and to be fair, he only did it once, I think. He rushed from his home, butt-naked, freshly anointed in oil, with a spear in one hand, his sword in the other, to the defense of a Sparta in peril. The Thebans were besieging their wall-less city (which was a source of pride to them actually). Isadas forced his way through the ranks of his fellow Spartans and threw himself at the enemy, slaying every foe who stood against him. Miraculously, he came out of the battle unscathed, with the Thebans repelled, and the council crowned him for his feat of valour, then they fined him 1000 drachmas because he dared to risk fighting without armour. Just some trivia from Plutarch.
4) A vision of hotness courtesy of Li. Haha. Haley Bennett. Oh yeah. Alright, this is still a blog, not some XXX site. So I've refrained from putting the REALLY HOT picture of her. Guys, what's google for? You won't regret it, Haha!

5)On another note, don't watch Pathfinder. It doesn't make a lot of sense. All it did was make me want to read wikipedia about vikings. And oh, Viking helmets didnt have horns. Just more trivia for you.
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