Lost, but Found.
I feared todays' coming for quite a while. Both consciously AND unconsciously. And it didn't really hit me so strongly till last night. Genetics came and went in the blink of an eye, save for a few minor grieviances about anal language, which was quickly forgotten once I tucked into Superdog at Vivocity for the first time. Tried a bacon chilli cheese melt, I think. The sausage was good, the bacon even better, and the chilli, excellent. Well, it was all good, except that it was a little pricey, for a hotdog and a meal. Though I must say I felt a little better once I found out everyone else had spent almost as much as I had at Food Republic for lunch. Haha. Oops.
Well, the rest of the afternoon was pretty aimless, walking around Vivocity, exploring and getting lost, looking for a suitable movie time but finding none, looking for spartans in Pageone, an unopened doughnut shop which opens tomorrow, and some other things here and there. A present's one of them. Didnt do much to psyche me up for tonight. Well, maybe I didnt need it.
I must say that, I'd been apprehensive about facing SMU in the pool this year. After what happened a year ago, I didnt dare to keep my hopes up. I didnt figure that it was all a defense mechanism within me, subduing my hopes, so I wouldnt be disappointed with the outcome. And I have to apologize for my attitude towards it all this year, didnt train with the team properly until just about a month back. I just didnt have it in me. Somehow. I wonder how it couldve been different, if we had done otherwise, if I had done otherwise. I didn't realize how much I wanted to win this time. I'd been deceiving myself all along.
But we found it within ourselves tonight, to make a comeback. With inadequate training, being from different schools and hence different styles and upbringing, having little similarities among us other than our love for the sport, we pulled ourselves together when it mattered. We didnt come out champions, but we were winners in our own right. We gave our opponents a fight they won't forget anytime soon, we were underdogs (in my eyes, I'm a pessimist), a lesser team, with nothing to lose, and so much to gain. And gain we did, we gained their respect and everyone elses, for our spirit and determination, and at least, for having played the best game we could have, in a very very long time.
In retrospect, I still have my own disappointments to consider. I keep wondering, even now, which one of those goals couldve been prevented? With just a little more effort, better positioning, better control. It was all SO close. The entire match was so close. That one goal made all the difference. But I can't say I'm disappointed. None of us are, I'm sure. We played to the best of our abilities. And I'm grateful, to Him, who gives me everything, to my team mates for their contributions and listening to me bark out orders bout defense and also... to our opponents.
I half feel like talking about the specifics of the match, my anger with the referees and their bad calls, who scored, who led at what time, who did what, but I figure that this post has gone on long enough. Haha. Well, it'll suffice to say that, we took turns to lead, with the opposing side catching up and with the tide turning the other way sometimes. With each side fighting for the ball like men possessed. Making use of our opportunities, and throwing them away needlessly at times. It was a gripping match. A great parting gift, for those us who aren't going to continue playing next year. We lost 7-6, but in doing so, found that spirit within ourselves to play together. Maybe we'll see it again tomorrow, when we face NTU, and hopefully, again, in the future.
Well, the rest of the afternoon was pretty aimless, walking around Vivocity, exploring and getting lost, looking for a suitable movie time but finding none, looking for spartans in Pageone, an unopened doughnut shop which opens tomorrow, and some other things here and there. A present's one of them. Didnt do much to psyche me up for tonight. Well, maybe I didnt need it.
I must say that, I'd been apprehensive about facing SMU in the pool this year. After what happened a year ago, I didnt dare to keep my hopes up. I didnt figure that it was all a defense mechanism within me, subduing my hopes, so I wouldnt be disappointed with the outcome. And I have to apologize for my attitude towards it all this year, didnt train with the team properly until just about a month back. I just didnt have it in me. Somehow. I wonder how it couldve been different, if we had done otherwise, if I had done otherwise. I didn't realize how much I wanted to win this time. I'd been deceiving myself all along.
But we found it within ourselves tonight, to make a comeback. With inadequate training, being from different schools and hence different styles and upbringing, having little similarities among us other than our love for the sport, we pulled ourselves together when it mattered. We didnt come out champions, but we were winners in our own right. We gave our opponents a fight they won't forget anytime soon, we were underdogs (in my eyes, I'm a pessimist), a lesser team, with nothing to lose, and so much to gain. And gain we did, we gained their respect and everyone elses, for our spirit and determination, and at least, for having played the best game we could have, in a very very long time.
In retrospect, I still have my own disappointments to consider. I keep wondering, even now, which one of those goals couldve been prevented? With just a little more effort, better positioning, better control. It was all SO close. The entire match was so close. That one goal made all the difference. But I can't say I'm disappointed. None of us are, I'm sure. We played to the best of our abilities. And I'm grateful, to Him, who gives me everything, to my team mates for their contributions and listening to me bark out orders bout defense and also... to our opponents.
I half feel like talking about the specifics of the match, my anger with the referees and their bad calls, who scored, who led at what time, who did what, but I figure that this post has gone on long enough. Haha. Well, it'll suffice to say that, we took turns to lead, with the opposing side catching up and with the tide turning the other way sometimes. With each side fighting for the ball like men possessed. Making use of our opportunities, and throwing them away needlessly at times. It was a gripping match. A great parting gift, for those us who aren't going to continue playing next year. We lost 7-6, but in doing so, found that spirit within ourselves to play together. Maybe we'll see it again tomorrow, when we face NTU, and hopefully, again, in the future.
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