Nostalgia Overload
Packing up all the nonsense in my room has taken me far too long. I really need to be heartless in order to be efficient. I always end up looking through every single item before deciding whether to put it in the "keep" pile, the "discard" pile or the..."i'll decide later" pile. Found all the old cards and letters and stuff that I've received over the years. It was particularly difficult selecting which ones to hold onto, just to relive the memory, perhaps, the next time i clean my room, and go through every little thing all over again. It really felt like a leap back in time, reading those words, remembering those people, reminiscing past phases in my life...Alright, I'm rambling.
Anyway, I realize there's quite a lot of change going on in my life right now. Shifting house, the dog, erm..alright, I guess it's mainly moving house, packing the house is a pain. Anyway, just for the fun of it, here's a few photos of zippy lim aka zip, moments before she was shaved of all her glory.
And oh, I just remembered, the photos of zip are more than just for fun.
Until she got into the cage, and when she didn't know we were taking a picture, it's almost like she knows.
Happiness Monday at Ian's
Emily fails, very badly i might add, to conceal her face.
Anyway, I realize there's quite a lot of change going on in my life right now. Shifting house, the dog, erm..alright, I guess it's mainly moving house, packing the house is a pain. Anyway, just for the fun of it, here's a few photos of zippy lim aka zip, moments before she was shaved of all her glory.
And oh, I just remembered, the photos of zip are more than just for fun.
This is a CALL to all dog-lovers, Zip is about 11-12 years old now, she's a japanese spitz, been spayed since..pretty long ago, she's cute, loving and next to harmless, coz she's really quite scared of people sometimes, a lot of bark, and no bite. Here's the thing: Zip needs a new home. She needs a garden, space to run and roam free, and a gate to squeeze in and out of when she wants to gallivant around the neighbourhood like she does right here, ok maybe not. So...Zip can't really follow us to our new home, because we won't have all of that. This is a call : To anyone who will be willing to care for her. I think she's got more than a few years in this world to go. She had a tick problem, and we just recently dealt with that by getting her shaved and bathed in anti-tick chemicals, as well as spraying the garden with that same stuff, the groomer told me that she'd grow a nice new coat of fur in about 2 months. So, yeah, her glory will soon be restored!
Anyway, random photos from over the holidays...
Anyway, random photos from over the holidays...
Ok, lazy to think of what else to blog about. Ciao.
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