Supper-seeking Cycling

My biological clock is screwed! I just woke up at 2am. Man. Havent really recovered from night cycling yesterday. Got back home from east coast at 930am...slept 2 hours. Went out AGAIN. It was madness. Watched Scary movie 4, which was better than the 3rd installment. Came home at 530, and I wasnt really sleepy at all. Slept an hour till dinner. Read for 2 hours before falling asleep at 1040, and voila, something woke me up at 2. Ok, that kinda just came out in a big mess. Im still sleepy.

Anyway, on to more interesting things. Night Cycling yesterday! It was a mad rush for me even before it began! Had cell group at 8. Fetched my sister at the airport at 10. Got dropped off at East Coast by 1045 to meet the rest of the gang...Eugene,zj,aileen,rous and ian were already there. Fortunately, I wasnt the latest and we waited awhile for Raymond.. We were beset by problems even before setting off... The last bike, eg Raymond's, had this recurring problem with its stupid chain. It kept coming out. Indeed. Fortunate of me to reach ecp before he did. Haha. Well, after an episode of broom therapy, the chain seemed to work fine.

We started off at bout 1115...first stop...changi village. Getting there took us SO long. 1 and a half hours or so! And...I shall always remember...Angry bus drivers and middle fingers. Not a good match. By the time we got there, we were hardly interested in the trannies. We just went straight for the desert stall to quench our thirst..After a bowl each, we went to check out what else changi village had to offer. Not trannies mind you, Food. Well, the fish head curry place zj suggested going to eluded us. And so we cycled down our next long road...Loyang Ave this time...headed for Bedok. Block 85.
Getting there is another story by itself. We took so many wrong turns and ended up taking a gigantic loop...and ANOTHER hour and a half before we arrived. We were all so happy to be there. We'd just cycled up and down 1 or 2 pretty lengthy you can imagine how tiring that was. Block 85, land of beef ball/ba chor mee. Xue Ying's personal recommendation, he was suppering too. Good food, good sugarcane with lemon to wash it all down. Good company. Painful butts from bikes with lousy suspension and cycling on the pavement.

Next stop..and also our final stop because we took so long just getting anywhere, was Geylang. It was a much faster trip this time. And an easier route, other than that one long upslope. In just under 45 minutes, after negotiating haphazard traffic with cars trying to park at road sides and cars turning into lorong whatevers..we made it to that famous tao hui and yu tiao place at Lorong 9. Pity the beef kway teow closed at 330. We'd just missed it. We were kinda at a loss of where to go after that, so, to placate eugene and raymond, we decided to cross the road to let them watch Argentina and Holland (0-0) and have some stingray, which was disappointing.

After all that, dark clouds and impending rain kinda coerced us into deciding to head back. It was a race against time. We felt the first droplets of rain even as we were cycling down towards fort road. Such appropriate timing. Well, we made it back to macdonalds unscathed. And in 15 minutes too. Pretty damn fast. By was 445. Time didnt seem to slow down then even as we talked the morning away, awaiting our rental bike return time. We passed the time photowhoring and talking nonsense. Pity the arcade/bowling alley was closed. We wanted to scare rous by forcing her to play house of the dead. Haha.
No! No House of the Dead!

Well, after a macbreakfast, it was soon time to return our bikes and return home. We were taking turns to doze off in front of each other by then. Wet roads and laziness kept us from going down to Bedok Jetty to watch the sunrise. Pity. The journey home was...well..long..and sleepy. I didnt sleep a wink in 36 tho. Just wasn't tired that way. Well, thanks everyone! I had a great time! Do it again soon! Faster, harder, visit other places, more food, more fun! Heck, i took a long time doing this.

After all that, dark clouds and impending rain kinda coerced us into deciding to head back. It was a race against time. We felt the first droplets of rain even as we were cycling down towards fort road. Such appropriate timing. Well, we made it back to macdonalds unscathed. And in 15 minutes too. Pretty damn fast. By was 445. Time didnt seem to slow down then even as we talked the morning away, awaiting our rental bike return time. We passed the time photowhoring and talking nonsense. Pity the arcade/bowling alley was closed. We wanted to scare rous by forcing her to play house of the dead. Haha.

Well, after a macbreakfast, it was soon time to return our bikes and return home. We were taking turns to doze off in front of each other by then. Wet roads and laziness kept us from going down to Bedok Jetty to watch the sunrise. Pity. The journey home was...well..long..and sleepy. I didnt sleep a wink in 36 tho. Just wasn't tired that way. Well, thanks everyone! I had a great time! Do it again soon! Faster, harder, visit other places, more food, more fun! Heck, i took a long time doing this.

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