An Attempt to be Cultured

Surprised myself today when I agreed to pay a visit to the newly re-opened National Museum with Huilin and Zj. Then again, I went on the condition that we have lunch and do something else after looking at the museum exhibits. And what else is there to do this Christmas season, but shop? Speaking of which, I've been a poor shopper this year. Hardly feels like Christmas too. What with...ok. Don't say it. There.
Well, we learned all about Maria Theresia. The one and only female Austrian Monarch, the only empress to reign in Austria's history. Her family (inclusive of one Marie Antionette, Queen of France during the French Revolution, who got beheaded with her husband, King Louis the XVI), her successes, reforms, etc etc. What was compelling about her was that she was never raised to ascend to the throne, since her father had always thought her future husband would rule, but still she had natural flair as a ruler, and even in the battlefield as a commander of her armed forces. And something about her being such a successful ruler without...compromising any of her feminine qualities. Ok, shan't go on.
After some time, I was silently hoping that the next turn around the next corridor would reveal the exit. It was getting quite tiring reading about the royal tea pot, royal crockery, royal japanese lacquered chest, coat of arms, scepter, crown, etc etc. But I did think the Robes of the Order of the Golden Fleece and the Order of St Stephan looked quite good. There were other interesting a bust of i think, which had a glass container embedded in his chest, where his heart would be, containing a piece of his flesh. We didnt go to the other exhibits coz they were about Singapore. And well, they werent free either. It was my first time to the museum since...I dont remember. Probably when I was in primary school.
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