Hm...Random Stuff/Thoughts

Yeah, Li's right. I've become a little lazy to update. And blogging about Turkey just seems like such an uphill task. Ive been procrastinating. Anyway. Ill talk about other things we've been up to! 3stan and friends/Suppergang/Turkey+bangkok pple went blading at ecp last week. I wasnt there coz I was practice. Haha. Im amazed at it myself. But, our act is actually coming together...its a little rough around the edges. Needs some polishing up. Hope we get much much much better in a week...And I hope the costumes aren't too garish/ugly.

Anyway, back to blading, I only joined the rest when they were resting at the food centre at ecp and getting a drink...Chauffered a tired baorong and zhimin back to the rental place. But not before taking photos with an in-progress sandcastle/temple/pagoda thing. There were piles of sand all around the beach, awaiting their architects and artisans to begin work on them, we should probably pay the beach a visit soon to catch the the artwork. Last time I saw an exhibition on sandcastle building was at sentosa. And I was AMAZED. It was beautiful.... Apparently, they use some glue to hold the sand together. Haha, sounds like cheating, but it was beautiful nonetheless. Kinda makes our sentosa sandcastles seem like childs play.
After returning their rented blades, Baos got a $3 tattoo on her ankle, doubt it's survived till this long though. Haha..We made our way down to suntec foodcourt for dinner...where we ate to our heart's content. The ban mian there was good! Can't say the same for my beef noodle soup, though the beef was nice. Haha, I even brought my dad there today to try the ban mian. Somehow, i remember it to be nicer than it was today. Seems the taohu goreng there is really popular too, either that, or they dun make much of it, coz its been sold out the past 2 times I've asked for it. After dinner, we paid a visit to Aileen's friend, Charlene, who was working at Ben and Jerry's. She was nice enough to give us discount. Note: Med guys seem to have something for B&J girls. Haha. It wasn't my turn this time though. Hope the tear in his pants can be fixed. Haha.

I think we were so full of energy that night...coz we just didnt wanna go home. It was a pity that there were no shows to catch. Eng Wah was closed by then. And I guess we were also a little lazy to go to another cinema. Alas, we were fated to go home. But not without making a little detour. Zhimin, Zhenjin, Aileen, Ian and I were cruising down stamford road (I think) and we were past somerset mrt when zhimin remembered this famous tau huay stall nearby. Well, actually it was at selegie, but I suppose thats pretty near. Haha. So there we went, spontaneously. To our dismay (mostly zhimin's), they were out of tau huay! We had to settle for chin chow..which was not bad..but it wasnt enough for poor mini-me..haha...and then, it was a time to head home. Think i drove over a 100 km that day.