In case anyone was wondering, just been lazy to blog as usual. Not for the lack of activities perhaps, but probably for fear of saying anything coz almost anything I mention nowadays is bound to involve
just a little info bout Spartans. Haha. It's been my greatest hobby of late, inspired by you-all-should-know. And yes, all of you probably have too much of Spartans by now, including their 1800 abs. So I shan't go into much further into it.
Went for NUS biathlon with Sam, a church friend of mine, who asked me to swim coz she cant. I didnt think it'd be that bad. But it was. Initially it was fine, my wave was the same as the womens sprint event ( 750m swim and 5k run) and there weren't many other guys swimming at that wave (doing the mixed relay, like myself). So there I was, sprinting from the start, ahead of the pack for 200m. ONLY 200m, and then the first girl overtook me. I thought, wth, heck, I havent been training, its ok. And then the next girl passed. Then I thought, Ok shit, they look like theyre having an easy time. It didnt help that I wasnt swimming straight at all, in fact, I was doing all my passer-bys a favour by zig-zagging my way thru that 750m stretch of water. In all, I think 5-6 girls overtook me, no guys.

I only realized how spent I was when I stood up at the shore, I reeled from exerting myself, almost losing my balance in the process, almost falling backwards into the water. Imagine how embarrassing that wouldve been. Well, I was just a few metres behind a girl, and who wouldve known, she was in the mixed relay too. So I made 2nd position for the swim portion of the mixed relay, 3 seconds behind a girl. Was a little sore about that for a short while. Haha. And that would've meant that, ALL the other girls who overtook me, went on to run 5k more. Something I probably wouldve died doing in that state of exhaustion. Unfit, yes. Ashamed, yes. I know. I tried running today, only to get rained on 7 minutes into the run, which means, quite some distance from my house. Thankfully, it stopped halfway, so my shuffle didnt get too wet.

What else have I been doing....Oh yes, Spartans. I watched The 300 twice. But wait, before you think I'm mad, though I'm really quite nutso over them, I only went the 2nd time with my dad coz he was gonna end up watching alone, until my mom decided to come along at the last minute. Other than that, I've been at home, reading, cleaning my room, ok this is getting boring. Now you know why I haven't been blogging. I can't seem to recall any more exciting things. Haha, oh yes, rollerblading. Which isnt particularly exciting, unless you include two highly excitable people, who entertain you through out with their shenanigans. Haha, especially when we tried to cross the road. Shouldve taken more photos. Haha. I shan't post the photos to protect their identities. Then again, I think they've already posted photos on their blogs. Haha. Heck. Right, enough said.