Oh Shit, Its Friday!

Alas, the end is here. Two more days of freedom..imagined freedom till chaos is unleashed once again. Alright, so it ain't that bad...but it's back to 8 to 4/5 ++ days...more brain-numbing lectures...dead-boring prac sessions...etc etc.. Oh well, at least we've got each other.

Tried wakeboarding for the first time today with Zj, Chris Li, Hazel and Ian! It was quite a good experience for us 3 newbies (Hazel, Ian and myself) We all managed to stand up fairly quickly and soon progressed to wake-crossing.Too bad our progress stopped there..tried to do a few jumps..only to wipe out in an unglam fashion, face/butt first.But it was all GOOD! Only problem with it is the price and the wait till its your turn..and oh yes..sore hands at the end of it all. Nothing else is aching yet. I think I'd still enjoy cable skiing after this, its a cheaper alternative...and though you're restricted to going around in circles in a lagoon/over-sized pond, there're still tricks to learn and stuff you can do thaty you can't in wakeboarding.

It took a while though..we were only done at 230 plus...and we were ravenous by then, a good lunch location was the prime topic of discussion for the last hour or so while we were still on the powerboat. We made our way down to Kenny Rogers at Great World (My 3rd time in 2 weeks! Crazy.) where we were somewhat disappointed with price hikes and downsized chicken. Oh well, wasn't any different from the last 2 times I went, but it was disappointing nonetheless. I still think they have the best mac and cheese around. Oh, fyi, San Remo instant mac and cheese is good too. You'll need a cup of milk and 1-2? table spoons of butter for each packet of it.
After lunch, I headed down to Orchard to kill time before fetching dad from the office. Met Aileen at Far East where we were stopped...and where I probably said the dumbest thing I ever have. EVER. Argh. I'd have given it more thought if only I'd seen the camera. Here's a re-enactment:
Random Girl 1: Hi, can I get to you to answer a short survey for seventeen magazine?
Me: (Looks at Aileen) Er. Sure.
Aileen: They're asking you only la.
Random Girl 1: Ok. Whats the BEST gift you've ever received from your mom?
Me: Whoa, er...(thinks hard)
Random Girl 2: -whispers in girl 1's ear-
RG1: Oh, whats the BEST gift you've ever received from a female? your mom, or gf?
Me: (After some thought) Shit, I don't know. Er...I've got a mental block. I suppose...something that means something to me. <-----ARGH. RG1: (writes THAT down, regrettably)
RG3: (Steps from behind RG1, holding camera)
Aileen: (Bursts out laughing) They're gonna take your picture! Good luck.
Me: Oh shit.
RG3: Alright..just look cool..(Proceeds to snap a few shots).. thats right..good..thanks.
After which, I escape with Aileen. And she berates me. "You're gonna be featured in Seventeen!" , she quips. And I'm like..."Oh shit, that was hell-retarded of me. I sound like a moron." Aileen: "Quick, go back and give them a different answer!". Me: "Ah..wth..screw it."
Damn, was that dumb..or was that dumb.